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New Islamic Center

An overview of our project to buy the former Church of Latter-Day Saints on 400 Swift Street and convert it into a new Masjid and Islamic Center.

Alhamdullilah as of 10/11/2021 we officially own the Church of Jesus Christ and Latter-Day Saints. This could not have happened without the numerous blessings from Allah, and your generous donations. Whether you donated $1 or $10,000, may Allah bless you and build a house for you in Jannah. This new building will better serve our community with a number of different amenities that our old building did not provide. For example, a bigger prayer area, a basketball court, 10+ ready to use classrooms, a bigger kitchen, and much more. We still need your donations so we can renovate this building into an Islamic Center. You can donate via our Paypal which is linked below. JazakAllah khair.


ISVT starts GoFundMe page where people from all walks of life donated to our project.

Contract that states ISVT would buy The Church of Jesus Christ and Latter-Day Saints by October 10th for $1,055,000 is signed.

ISVT closes on the building for $1,055,000.

Imam Islam  travels across America to 11 different communities appealing for donations.

June 12
July 10
October 10

The first Adhan in our new Masjid by our beloved brother Sajid Farooq

May 31

Community votes to buy the Church of Jesus Christ and Latter-Day Saints during an Iftar during Ramadan.

July 1

Imam Islam arrives from the Islamic Center of Cleveland.

July 27

Sheikh Abdulraouf Alkhawaldeh visits ISVT and helps guide the Fundraising Committee with the project.

September 25

Our financing are shown to the realtors to prove that ISVT has the money to buy  the Church.

October 12

ISVT holds an open house so the community can come and see the new Masjid.

Why do we need a new Masjid?
In 1999, the Islamic Society of Vermont purchased a building to serve as its Masjid located at 182 Hegeman Avenue, Colchester, Vermont. This building was no longer able to meet the demands of our growing Muslim community due to its limited space, facilities and parking, etc.

In addition, the architectural design of the building limited our ability to employ proactive and effective safety and security measures, something that is of upmost importance to our community due to recent events. To address the needs of our next generation of Vermont Muslims, we have been looking for a better space for our future Masjid.

With the mercy of Allah (SWT), we found an ideal place for our future Masjid located at 400 Swift Street, South Burlington, Vermont. With Allah (SWT) acceptance, this location accommodates over 700 Muslim worshippers, our Weekend Islamic School, community events, and much more. 

News Reports


The Messenger of Allah (SWT) said: “Whoever makes a Masjid for the sake of Allah, Allah will make for him a house in Paradise” (Sahih Muslim)

Khutba by Imam Islam after buying the property

“Giving away something in charity does not cause any decrease in a person’s wealth, but increases it instead” [Sahih Muslim].



Through the years, the Islamic Society of Vermont has made itself a very integral part of the beautiful mosaic that is the Vermont community. The story of this community is one of resilience, service, and unwavering empathy. 

Islamic Society of Vermont is a registered 501(c)(3). Tax ID: 03-0346526.


400 Swift Street

South Burlington, VT 05403

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